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All The Vitamins

Nicole Dargent
Purchase for $20 (CAD)

Understanding the vitamins is key to understanding nutrition. The history of their discovery and the continuing elucidation of their roles in health is the history of the emergence
of nutrition as a science from the areas of physiology, biochemistry, medicine, and agriculture.

Welcome to All the Vitamins workshop

Each chapter of the manual is broken down into mini workshops worth 2 credits each

Each chapter has a different focus and you can enroll in as many as you like.

Once complete, we will email you a personalized certificate of completion.

Each quiz is also open book 

We hope you enjoy this workshop and we always welcome ideas of what you would like to take to earn more credits.


Here is the course outline:

1. Perspectives on the Vitamins in Nutrition

This module is based on Chapters 1 What is a Vitamin Chapter 2 Discovery of the Vitamins

2. Perspectives on the Vitamins in Nutrition

This module is based on Chapter 3 General Properties of Vitamins Chapter 4 Vitamin Deficiency

3. Perspectives on the Vitamins in Nutrition

This module covers Chapter 5 Vitamin Needs and Safety

4. Vitamin A

This module covers Chapter 6 Vitamin A

5. Vitamin D

This module covers Chapter 7 Vitamin D

6. Vitamin E

This module covers Chapter 8 Vitamin E

7. Vitamin K

This module covers Chapter 9 Vitamin K

8. Vitamin C

This module covers Chapter 10 Vitamin C

9. Thiamin

This module covers Chapter 11 Thiamin

10. Riboflavin

This module covers Chapter 12 Riboflavin

11. Niacin

This module covers Chapter 13 Niacin

12. Vitamin B6

This module covers Chapter 14 Vitamin B6

13. Biotin

This module covers Chapter 15 Biotin

14. Pantothenic Acid

This module covers Chapter 16 Pantothenic Acid

15. Folate

This module covers Chapter 17 Folate

16. Vitamin B12

This module covers Chapter B12

17. Vitamin -Like Factors

This module covers Chapter 19 Vitamin Like Factors

18. Sources of the Vitamins

This module covers Chapter 20 Sources of the Vitamins

19. Assessing Vitamin Status

This module covers Chapter 21 Assessing Vitamin Status

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