Essential Wellness Coaching
Anyone affiliated with health, wellness, and fitness professions over the past few
decades is not only aware of the exponential growth of career opportunities in these areas but also of the fundamental shifts in the needs and patterns of client populations
For those who wish to become lifestyle wellness coaches, this workshop describes essential skills and processes for competent engagement with clients.
To facilitate your learning, we often complement our discussions with case studies and scenarios. We also offer suggestions for engaging the material through guided reflections. We strongly believe that these moments of self-reflection are essential for any practitioner involved in helping others. We invite you to consider these as essential tools to reinforce your learning journey.
Here is the course outline:
1. How to Complete this WorkshopPlease read before beginning your workshop |
2. Introduction to Essential Wellness CoachingModern Health Issues Process of Change Coaching Wellness Coaching Commentary |
3. Background and Core Ingredients of CoachingEvolution of Coaching Models of Helping and Learning Core Ingredients in Effective Coaching Core Ingredients in Lifestyle Wellness Coaching Commentary |
4. Paths of ChangeTranstheoretical Model (TTM) Change Strategies Applying TTM Strategies in Coaching Self-Efficacy, Self-Regulation, and Relapse Prevention Learning-Through-Change (LTC) Model Applying Principles of the LTC Model Commentary |
5. Flow Model of CoachingClient Dreams Metaphor for Coaching Flow Model of Coaching Commentary |
6. Setting the Foundation For Effective CoachingMeeting Ethical Guidelines and Establishing the Coaching Agreement Distinguishing Among Values, Morals, and Ethics Implications for Ethical Conduct in Lifestyle Wellness Coaching Coaching Agreements Critical Elements of Agreements in Lifestyle Wellness Coaching Exploring the Components of Agreements Commentary |
7. Co-creating the Coaching RelationshipEstablishing Trust and Intimacy The Working Alliance Transference and Countertransference Creating a Safe Space Coaching Presence Commentary |
8. The Magic of ListeningUnderstanding the Unspoken The Active Nature of Listening Commentary |
9. The Power of QuestioningGeneric Types of Questions Problematic Questions Steps in Questioning Upside of Questioning Downside of Questioning Powerful Questions Commentary |
10. Direct CommunicationFeedback Confrontation Upside and Downside of Confrontation Self-Disclosure Immediacy Direct Input Commentary |
11. Awareness and ActionFostering Awareness Focusing Reflection of Meaning Interpretation Designing Action The Competency Development Model Commentary |
12. Building and Enduring FuturesGoals and Goal Setting Interweaving Goals Toward Self-Reliance Endings and New Beginnings Commentary |
13. Coaching as a Path of ChangeReconfiguring the Concept of Expertise Courage in a Social Perspective Your Life as a Coach Lifelong Learning Shortcuts Curriculum for Coaches Commentary |
14. Essential Wellness Coaching Final ExamFinal Exam a combination of multiple choice, true or false, matching questions. This exam is open book and you must achieve 80% to pass |