About Us
About Us
Posted Apr 15
Welcome to HarmonyFit Workshops
We are happy you are here
Our main objective is to provide low cost online CEC's for Fitness Leaders by a business you can recognise in your own community.
We understand that sometimes life gets in the way and we understand that fitness is more passion than monetary.
So as a BCRPA TFL and CFES Educator we value your business and we value your time and your commitment to contributing to the fitness community.
Nicole is one of our main content contributes and she holds a variety of levels of fitness expertise from Group Fitness to Pilates and Nutrition. We are consistently striving for more diverse content that is inexpensive but still has learning value for our fitness leaders. She has been a fitness leader for over 20 years and was a fitness programmer for more than 10 years in a municipal role, where she supervised fitness instructors, weight room and facility as well. Currently Nicole is the BCRPA Fitness Program Coordinator, a role that is practically tailored for someone who has the fitness passion that Nicole does.